Women's Health Workshop

In response to the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, the Purdue Women's Global Health Institute, Institute for Integrative Neuroscience, and the Engineering - Medicine Purdue Engineering Initiative are pleased to invite you to participate as a speaker in our upcoming workshop, focused on advancing women's health research on campus.
This workshop aims to:
  1. Showcase the breadth and depth of women's health research at Purdue.
  2. Identify research gaps that can be readily addressed by leveraging Purdue's unique expertise and resources.
  3. Foster an interdisciplinary research community to enhance collaborations in women's health.
  4. Strategically position Purdue for upcoming funding opportunities under the White House Initiative on Women's Health Research.

Time: 2:30 - 5:00 PM, Nov 6, 2024

Location: DLR 131

Click here to view the full agenda

2:30 PM Welcome and opening remarks
2:40 PM Short Talks (see featured speakers below)
3:55 PM Intermission
4:00 PM Breakout Sessions
5:00 PM Conclusion 

Featured Speakers: 

"Effects of Chronic Hypertension on Cardiac Remodeling During Pregnancy" 
Leslie A. Geddes Professor 
Co-Director of Purdue Engineering Initiative in Engineering - Medicine
Director of Clinical Program, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
"Computational Analysis of Clinical Routine Data for Medical Decision Support" 
Research Assistant Professor 
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
"Creating Systems of Digitally-Enabled Care to Improve Maternal Outcomes" 
Vincent P. Reilly Professor 
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
"Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Women's Health and Mental Health" 
School of Health Sciences
"Sex-Dependent Molecular and Functional Changes in Neurons after Exposure"
Charles Davidson Professor 
Chemical Engineering
"Iron Status and Cognition During Perimenopause"
Professor and Department Head
Nutrition Science
"Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Mental Health" 
Associate Professor
Psychological Sciences

Breakout Sessions: 

Topic  Lead Location

Alzheimer's Disease

Wendy Koss

DLR 131 (front left of the room)

Neurodegenerative Disorders

Chris Rochet

DLR131(center for the room)

Mental Health and Well-being

Libby Richards

DLR131(back right of theroom)

Cardiovascular Health

Craig Goergen

DLR Atrium (near the main entrance)

Menopause and Aging

Laura Murray-Kolb DLR Atrium (opposite the main entrance)

Women's Cancers and Cancer Disparities

Dorothy Teegarden


Exposure and Sex Differences

Jennifer Freeman


Addiction and Substance Use Disorder

Julia Chester DLR203A

Musculoskeletal Health

Julie Liu


Funding Opportunities on Women's Health